Diary of Dan

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Consider 14 a round number.......

Dear What-do-I-call-you,

Oh sometimes I do get intuitions and today I was particularly feeling this is happenning (why does this spelling look wrong!) and it did.... that was why I turned and looked when I got down...

Anyways as they say everything happens for the best.. So I was feeling quite capable n strong being alone.. but then oh..... I shouldn't have looked behind me........ but then when i did it did feel really nice :) ...anyways was feeling really nice while watching Raghu Romeo......

Feel like writing lots more... But then it's good that it's way past my bedtime and I do not have the time to write more..... Like Scarlett says, let me sleep over it... after all tomorrow is another day!

And tomorrow's going to be a nice day, hai na?


At 23/1/07 7:59 pm, Blogger Abinav Kumar said...


tomorrow's always gonna be better than today! :)


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